Sexual Health and Contraception

This service is not just about contraception but is about how people look after themselves during their reproductive years, including pre- conception and menopausal care and sexual health.

A wide range of services is provided contraceptive implants, sexual health screening and advice regarding modern family planning techniques. We also offer opportunistic chlamydia screening for those aged 16-24.

We no longer offer coil fitting services in the Practice.

Emergency Contraception

There are 2 main forms of emergency contraception

  1. “The morning after pill” which needs to be taken within 72 hours of the time sex took place but the sooner the pill is taken the more effective it is.
  2. The Copper Coil or IUCD. This has to be fitted within 5 days of the time sex took place.

If you require emergency contraception you should see a doctor within 48 hours, preferably 24 hours, tell the receptionist you need an urgent appointment. If you cannot get to the surgery the local pharmacist may be able to help or you can find a clinic at

Sexually Transmitted Infections

If you are concerned you may have a sexually transmitted infection, you can discuss this with your GP or access the specialist Sexual Health Service available in Chester.