Teenage Health

Now you are 16, you are responsible for your own health. If you have any queries about your health, feel free to come and see the Practice Nurse for confidential advice. They are here to help. Here are some health areas for you to consider:

Eat Healthily

The food you eat can affect your health in the future.

  • Eating fresh food rather than ready meals can help prevent obesity, heart disease, cancer and diabetes.
  • 5 portions of fruit and vegetables a day are an excellent source of fibre, vitamins and minerals.
  • Eating lots of red and processed meat increases the risk of bowel cancer, so having smaller portions and eating them less often can help limit the risk.
  • Be Active
  • There is no need to give up sport and physical activity when you leave school. Being active can reduce the risk of cancer, obesity, heart disease and diabetes. Aim for 30 mins of moderate activity 5 days a week.

Emotional Wellbeing

  • Kooth (www.kooth.com) is a unique online counselling and advice service that provides support to vulnerable young people, who have emotional or mental health problems. Young people can get in touch for help through web chat, email and booked one to one chat sessions.
  • When you’re living with a mental health problem, or supporting someone who is, having access to the right information – about a condition, treatment options, or practical issues – is vital. Mind, the mental health charity is available to make sure no one has to face a mental health problem alone (www.mind.org.uk).


  • Smoking is a cause of at least 13 different types of cancer and also a condition called Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD).
  • Having COPD can mean you end up not being able to get dressed without becoming breathless and have to live on oxygen constantly. For more information go to NHS LiveWell


Drinking too much alcohol increases your risk of cancer & diabetes.

The maximum recommended amount is:

  • LADIES: 1 large wine glass = 2 units a day (14 units a week)
  • GENTS: 2 pints = 3-4 units a day (21 units a week)
  • …and it is much better to spread your consumption over 5 days than to take it all in one go!


Think everyone takes drugs? Most people don’t. Many more talk up what they’ve really done. Find out the facts: call FRANK on 0300 1236600 or email frank@talktofrank.com.

Sexual health

For confidential advice and/or treatment you can call the Sexual Health Clinic (Chester) on 01244 363091.


  • Make sure you have had 3 HPV vaccinations as this will help prevent cervical cancer
  • Use condoms with a new partner until you are sure he does not have any diseases you don’t want and use regular contraception.
  • Check your own breasts for any unusual lumps & bumps. If you have any concerns www.breastcancercare.org.uk.


  • Protect yourself and your partner from any sexually transmitted diseases by using a condom.
  • ‘Check your balls’: testicular cancer most commonly occurs in young men between the ages of 16 to 25! For more information go to www.cancerhelp.org.uk.


If you are going to travel abroad, talk to the Practice Nurse as soon as you know where you are going. Some travel vaccinations are given over 3 – 6 months before you go, especially if you are going to the southern hemisphere or backpacking. For more information you can go to www.gov.uk/foreign-travel-advice.

Be Sun Smart

Too much ultraviolet radiation from the sun is the main cause of skin cancer. Try to cover up with a hat, t-shirt and sunglasses and use at least Factor 15 sunscreen or higher. Some rays from sunbeds can be 10 to 15 times stronger that the midday sun, so they are best avoided!


The NHS App is a useful tool to help manage your health. This service is not available for patients under the age of 16 years. If you need further information, please ask at Reception.


All staff at the practice aim to be sensitive to the needs and respect the confidentiality of our patients. You can speak to a nurse or doctor or any other member of the practice staff in confidence about any issue, the only exception to this is if the healthcare professional believes that in keeping something confidential you are put at risk of danger or serious harm. This is an extreme situation and, if they need to report to another health care professional, they will inform you first.

Malpas Young Persons Project

These sessions are held at the Malpas Young Persons Centre, Chester Road, Malpas (Opposite Fire Station), this service offers group sessions dependent on age. Please see their website for full details of days and times.
Tel: 01948 860993 or visit www.malpasyouth.org.uk